2,000 Ratings for Strung, wow!

I just told Per yesterday that we were nearing the 2,000 ratings threshold for Strung 1, and we talked about how time flies. We reminisced about when he first published Strung back in 2021 and how we checked Amazon daily as those first ratings and reviews came in.

It was slow at first … I remember just looking forward to hitting 10 ratings because two digits looked better on the book page than one digit :-).

And now it’s at 2,000. It’s a full trilogy with a prequel. Per has released two more books and is working on the next.

What a journey it has been (and still is), and we’re so grateful to be here, Per doing what he loves (writing) and me doing the same (telling the world just how great he is) :-).

– Sarah (wife and publisher)

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