Q&A – Per Jacobsen talks about going on a writing retreat

It’s time for Per Jacobsen to answer another question :-).⁠


If Per could go off to an all-expenses paid writing retreat for one month (and NOT come back to a world full of hung bodies), where would he go and why? What would that month look like?


Truth be told, I wouldn’t need much.

A cabin in the middle of nowhere, the more desolate the better, perhaps with a view of Northern lights. A good internet connection, and perhaps a professional chef that drops of a delicious meal once in a while, so I don’t starve.

A month might be a bit too long time away from my family, but a week like that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

⁠- Per Jacobsen⁠


Thank you to Andrew Van Wey for this question.⁠

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