Q&A – Per Jacobsen talks about writing an ending to a story

Author Per jacobsen talks about writing the ending to a story

It’s time for Per Jacobsen to answer another question :-).⁠


Is it true that the ending of a story is the hardest to write? Also do you have a special place you go to, when you have writer’s block?


Well, I guess it really depends on the individual writer whether the ending is hard or not. For me, the ending is usually one of the first things to pop up in my mind when I’m starting a new story. So, when I finally get to it (I always write chronologically), I usually know most details of it.

Of course, a good ending usually ties a nice little knot on the story, so the final paragraphs and sentences can be tricky. However, I’ve found that if I just keep writing, the final sentence always seems to just turn up by itself, and I’ll go ‘oh, yeah, that’s the one’.

As for writer’s block, it’s not really a thing that I struggle with at this point.

I think, in many cases, it’s more likely to happen when you’re in the start of your writing career, meaning before you’ve gotten affirmation from ‘real’ readers and not just family and friends.

Before that, most writers are enormously insecure, worrying that they might not have what it takes. I know I was, and that can easily lead to staring at a blank screen. But with each small step forward, (getting the first contract, seeing the sales increase, hearing from fans etc.), one’s confidence will inevitably grow, and writing becomes a lot easier.

So, to answer the question, I don’t really have a place that I use to battle writer’s block. Should the need arise, though, I’d probably rent a cabin on a mountaintop somewhere.

⁠- Per Jacobsen⁠


Thank you to Joel Duncan for this question.⁠

1 thoughts on “Q&A – Per Jacobsen talks about writing an ending to a story

  1. Sandy Kromholc says:

    I will be reading your books by date, earliest to most current.
    Yes, I know I’m strange,but it works for me.

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