Q&A – Per Jacobsen talks about the inspiration to become a writer

It’s time for Per Jacobsen to answer another question :-).⁠


What inspired you to become an author?


Unlike many of my colleagues, I haven’t carried around a dream of being a writer for all my life. In fact, I started writing quite late in life – and by coincidence, really.

I have a good friend who, some years ago, told me that he was in the process of writing a novel. This sounded like a fun project, and I thought I’d also try to write a story of my own. So, I sat down at the computer in the sound studio I had at the time – and before I knew it, I had the first 50 pages of what would later become my debut novel, The Mansion of Mirrors. So, writing stories only came late in life.

However, since then I have looked back on my youth, especially my time in boarding school, and realized that I’ve always enjoyed telling stories. Back then, we often sat in a semi-circle at night, and I was asked to entertain my friends by making up a story. So maybe it was in the cards after all.

⁠- Per Jacobsen⁠

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