Strung III – Signed paperback


Important: Due to a box being destroyed on its way to us from Amazon, this book will sent out in the beginning of January (Amazon can’t deliver new books until then).

In this third—and final—book in the STRUNG series, Randall Morgan and David Pearson face their biggest challenge yet.

In the form of a half-empty IV bag once connected to Randall’s son, they have found a means that might be used to fight the evil that has infected the world.

The question remains, though, whether they can bring themselves to use it. Because during the massacre at Redwater, their enemy finally revealed his true face … and it looks so damn innocent.

Please be aware that shipping here from Spain could take a couple of weeks. If it’s in backorder it means that we’re waiting to receive more books and shipping will then take 1-2 weeks extra.

14 in stock (shipping time around 2 weeks)
