Tiffany Magnuson – narrator of Rose’s Story.

Tiffany Magnuson, who has narrated Rose's Story.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Tiffany Magnuson, who has narrated Rose’s Story.

Since we had another great narrator do the first three books in The Strung Trilogy, I’ll admit we were a bit reluctant when we had to search for a female narrator to be the voice of Rose. Switching narrators seemed like such a big change. But since Rose’s Story is told from Rose’s point of view, finding a female voice was the right decision.

It can be quite tedious to go through samples, and it can be very hard to find a narrator who reads the book with the same rhythm you have in mind.

Luckily, we found Tiffany quickly, and she did the young, sweet voice of Rose perfectly in her sample. She has been such a joy to work with through this process, and I couldn’t be happier that we have now also found a female narrator we trust completely.

About Tiffany:

She is an adventurer at heart, both in the great outdoors and within the pages of a thrilling story. Her love for suspense and adventure shines through in her immersive narration, capturing the nuances of each character and making every twist and turn feel real. With a warm, engaging voice and a belief that “feeling the fear” is just part of the journey, Tiffany’s storytelling will leave you on the edge of your seat and wanting more.

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